
Are people inherently good or inherently evil?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

People are good :)

Throughout this project i wasn't sure whether i thought that people were inherently good or evil. I wrote a few different posts and got some messages and comments both on here and on Facebook that really helped me make my decision so here it is....

People are generally inherently good. I do believe that people need to, at some point in their life, have the opportunity to choose one side or the other. I still know that there is evil out there and when pushed either by environment or outside sources people will do things for themselves and for their family's. Yes evil is out there, but i think it's pretty safe to say that good people far outweigh the evil.

Thank you all for your input on my blog and I am fully willing to continue it....Hope you like it Dr. Oliver! :)


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Quotes...Quotes...Quotes Quotes Quotes

"There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it."
 - J.K. Rowling Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Would like anyone's input on this one.
I don't agree with this quote. While it is a great line from the book, I think the quote taken out of the context of the book is really dark. The quote might have been written for the antagonist or any of his followers. Personally I would hope so because the book is all about the battle between good and evil, and this quote is pretty dark and contradictory of the Harry Potter series' purpose.
"Goodness is something chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man."
-Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange
I really like this quote. I wonder if the author meant that goodness is something you have to choose because men are inherently evil. But then again is that contradicted by his next statement? He is saying a man who cannot choose is not a man. This could be interpreted as him saying that a man who cannot make a decision is not really a man. Comments welcome and would be highly beneficial!!!
"People couldn't become truly holy...unless they also have had the opportunity to be definitively wicked."
-Terry Pratchett, Good Omens
I completely agree with this quote. People cannot be good if they don't have the opportunity, and go against it, to be evil or just bad. Without the refusal of evil, then who is to know whether the certain person is actually good? There is no way. For a person to make a moral, good, holy- or however you want to say it- decision they have to be presented with all of the options and make the correct one for themselves.
-With this branch of thinking I think that people aren't inherently good or evil, it is merely a choice that everyone makes.

People Kant be moral(?)

Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher that believed in a set of moral requirements that he called the "Categorical Imperative". Kant believed that immorality was irrational, that you should live life doing your duty for others. He believed that people should aid one another because it is their duty to do so, and not to act on emotions which he would deem as immoral. The Categorical Imperative concept was developed in his book Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, published in 1785. This book outlined and evaluated the motivations behind actions.
In Kant's perspective morality can be summed up entirely by reason. This imperative is absolute. It can be applied to anything that requires an action.
Kant's opinions and beliefs are most certainly black and white. Which can be applied to the argument of whether people are inherently good vs. evil.
While i applaud Kant for having a set opinion on morality, I do not necessarily agree with his views on morality. Yes we should help others and do our best to uphold whatever moral doctrine or faith that we believe in but i do not agree that we can only act on reason. Emotions aren't always bad when helping someone, and it certainly doesn't deem the action immoral. I would argue that it possibly helps you connect with the individual that you are helping.
The idea to post about Kant came from my cousin. He informed me about some deeper philosophical significance to the show Breaking Bad.

"The main character of breaking bad is acting beyond good and evil which is a theme of Fredrick Nietsche. He is also a pragmatist in the sense of identifying the situation and finding the best solution. He is not considering whether his behavior is good/evil or justified. He has transcended this concepts in order to find the best solution to support his family while he lives. Now, is his actions justified, no. Are they evil, yes. If 'evil' is the word you have to work with, then the consequences of his actions do not justify the means. The means being to save his family, but the long-term consequences are to ruin the lives of countless others by feeding into their addictions and ultimately destroying their lives. This problem is relative to the people involved. All questions are not considered from the actors point of view b/c all he wants to do is save his family, so he is beyond the principals of your questions. In a conceptual sense his is wrong in the sense of breaking the law and bad in the sense of what he is doing to other peoples lives to save his own family." 
-Cousin that might be named if I get permission!
When reading this I believe that yes, what Walter White did was wrong, yes his motivations might have been positive but he did it in the wrong way. In a way the show glorified what Walt was doing and while I still love the show, in reality it would not be a good solution.

I believe that Kant thought that people were inherently evil, which I do not agree with. He even went on to say in his book Religion within the Boundaries of True Reason that he thought human nature was "radically evil".
I can't agree. I believe there is evil in the world, but in my experience I have witnessed more good natured people than I have evil. Still that is just my experience. There are probably countless others that have experienced the exact opposite. I must say though in my belief (coming from my personal situation) people are not "radically evil".
People Kant be moral?-False people Kan :)

Breaking Bad and Philosophy


Throughout the Breaking Bad series the main character, Walter White, struggles with the moral issues behind his actions. He was a chemistry teacher who recently found out that he had cancer. He didn't have the money for the treatments and didn't want to leave his family with no money so he turned to "cooking" meth to pay bills and keep his family afloat after his passing.
Walt constantly questions his actions, especially when his families lives were at stake and he had to decide between murdering someone and a drug lord slaughtering his entire family.
Is committing a serious crime (such as creating meth) a justified act if its to help his family?
Is it good or evil?
These questions, for me, are hard to answer. He is doing something that is considered by the justice system illegal but he is doing so to protect his family. So is it justified? Legally-no, it is not justified by any means. And if it was there would be countless criminals lining up to justify their acts for "moral" reasons-just to clear their name of whatever criminal act. So in matters concerning the law, it is not justified.
His own wife-oddly enough she shares my name-Skyler White had an incredibly difficult time dealing with the fact that her husband created Meth. She struggled with the information for a long time and almost turned him in to the police but couldn't do it. Not because she thought his actions were justifiable, but because she was worried about  the effect that it would have on her family.
So back to the question- are his actions good or evil?
Well I cannot say that he is evil. Period. He is trying to help his family and I just can't hate him for that. At the same time I cannot say that some of the things that he does is just down right bad. He could have taken money from a family friend to cover medical bills but his pride got the best of him and he turned it down. He had options, but he chose the illegal route. So are his actions evil?
Eh. Somewhat.To read a summary of the book Breaking Bad and Philosophy go to....

Beginning thoughts

Throughout philosophy class I have heard and read numerous philosophers beliefs and thought processes. A common theme was the conflicting topic of whether people are inherently good or if they are inherently evil. I have personally been struggling with the ideas and still currently am but hopefully through some research and further thinking by the end of this project I will have a solid grasp on which I believe. Looking forward to further posts and whoever is reading this, feel free to comment whatever you wish! I would love feedback.
Quote to ponder:
"If God listened to the prayers of men, all men would quickly have perished: for they are forever praying for evil against one another."
Read more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/epicurus148968.html#OzkYfW867U2MxOVv.99